Updates to the shíshálh swiya Dock Management Plan Announced

The BC Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship provided an update to the Dock Management Plan via email:

To whom it may concern,

As an interested party in the shíshálh swiya Dock Management Plan, we are notifying you of updates to the shíshálh swiya Dock Management Plan. Updates can be found here.

Together, the Province of BC and shíshálh Nation are proposing changes to the shíshálh swiya Dock Management Plan to address community interests regarding existing docks and boathouses. Existing docks and boathouses owners will complete a self-registration form and will receive a temporary authorization under the Land Act. Over the next three years, these authorizations and existing tenures will be transitioned to long-term 20-year renewable authorizations upon individual review.

Please see the Updates to Existing Dock and Boathouse Owners in the swiya Fact Sheet  and Frequently Asked Questions for further details on what this means for existing dock and boathouse owners and actions required to obtain an authorization.

Updates to management plan provide certainty for Sunshine Coast dock owners

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